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Root Canal Treatment Specialist in Bangalore

Everything you need to know about root canal in children!

You would probably have heard the term ‘Root canal treatment’ and quite possibly even had one too but, wait a minute, ‘Root canal in children ?’ Yes , a root canal procedure done on a child is known as a ‘Pulpectomy’

What exactly is a pulpectomy and why visiting a Root Canal Treatment Specialist or Endodontist in Bangalore is important?

When your Childs tooth is infected and starts to pain, it indicates that the infection has spread to the inner portion of the tooth and requires a pulpectomy or quite simply a root canal. A root canal specialist would be able to identify and eradicate the problem completely.

Root Canal Treatment in bangaloreWhat happens in a pulpectomy?

During a pulpectomy, the kids dentist or paediatric dentist will clean the inner portion of your  Childs tooth to clear all the infection using special instruments and seal it with an anti bacterial material.

Is it really required?

YES! Contrary to the myth of why treat if they will eventually fall off, milk treat play important roles such as maintaining nutrition, preventing damage to permanent teeth and maintaining space for the underlying permanent teeth to come into proper position.

Is it painful?

Not at all. A child dentist / paediatric dentist is specially trained to carry out such procedures efficiently and spends additional years of study learning behaviour management techniques and specialised skills required to treat your child.

How can I avoid it?

The best way to avoid reaching such a situation is to prevent it from arising in the first place! Ensure your child is taken to a Paedodontist or a kids dentist every 6 months to ensure that cavities are detected early and addressed before causing more damage.

Why choose Dental Lavelle?

Dental Lavelle believes in constantly being ahead and provide the best dental treatment to your child in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Our kids dentist is constantly rated as one of the best kids dentist in Bangalore and is known for her friendly approach that puts your child at ease. The next time your looking for a dentist for kids, don’t worry, we got you covered!